You want to start a career in IT?

You are really eager to learn and you want to improve your IT knowledge? You don’t know where to start and need some orientation?

You are an IT wizard and want to contribute to our website?

You want to teach people all you know and want be in an awesome team of IT geeks. You love teaching and get people’s IT knowledge levels up to unknown heights. Then, we want to meet.

What our student say

Borja Martinez

I found Kristof after trying a few teachers. None felt right until I met him. In just 10 minutes, I knew he was the one. He really cares about what I need and helps me figure out how to reach my goals. He knows a ton about IT, and each lesson shows it. He’s super experienced and professional. His classes are great too! If you want the best IT teacher who’s perfect for you, Kristof is the guy!

Alex Lancester

Got to know Kristof recently and have to say that i am very much happy for having chosen him because he has an extensive knowledge of computer science. He has enough materials to guide you through the lessons and he is always very patient. Hope to establish a long lasting collaboration.

Martin Guerero

Kristof is an excellent teacher, He´s always on time, I like his commitment with his lessons, he encourages you to learn more and of course he has the wisdom.

Our most recent blog articles

What is the OSI model?

What is the OSI model?

OSI stands for Open System Interconnection and Its model describes via which steps (called layers) computers take to communicate over a network. The seven layers are from top to bottom: Layer nameFunctionApplication layerHuman interaction with the application and the...

What is FTP?

What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. As the name implies it's protocol that facilitates the transfer of a file from one client over the network to another client. FTP modes: active versus passive FTP connections can be made using one of these two modes. In active...

What is SSH?

What is SSH?

SSH or Secure SHELL is an authentication protocol that support several authentication methods. (Certificate based, username/password) But we have telnet? Remember what I told you about Telnet in this article? Yes indeed, it sends all packets in clear-text over the...

The way we teach

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at the time!

Desmond Tutu

Anti-apartheid and human righs activist

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