What is SSH?

What is SSH?

SSH or Secure SHELL is an authentication protocol that support several authentication methods. (Certificate based, username/password) But we have telnet? Remember what I told you about Telnet in this article? Yes indeed, it sends all packets in clear-text over the...
What is SNMP?

What is SNMP?

In the world of networking there are a lot of tools and protocols but in the monitoring area SNMP or Simple Network Management Protocol is probably the most widely used. It is old but it is one of those protocols that will stick around forever. What is it used for?...
What is NTP?

What is NTP?

This is probably going to be one of the shortest posts I have ever written, about an invaluable protocol for every network. NTP stands for Network Time Protocol and is a protocol, you guessed it, that is responsible for time synchronization in a network. There are...
What is Wireshark?

What is Wireshark?

If we want to write the shortest article of the whole site it would be: Wireshark is fantastic! But you might need a broader introduction than this :). Wireshark is a tool that was developed in the late 80s as Ethereal by Gerald Combs. Over the years different people...
What is a VLAN?

What is a VLAN?

VLAN stands for Virtual Local Area Network. What you do using a VLANs is cutting a normal layer 2 switch in several little switches. VLANs have an ID of 1-4096. The interesting property of a VLAN is that it sets a boundary of communication. Let’s say that 4...
What is a proxy?

What is a proxy?

For those of you working with a computer at your workplace you probably already saw a page like the below one trying to surf to your favorite streaming site, accessing an online casino website or going to online auction sites like eBay on your work computer. The...