What is the OSI model?

What is the OSI model?

OSI stands for Open System Interconnection and Its model describes via which steps (called layers) computers take to communicate over a network. The seven layers are from top to bottom: Layer nameFunctionApplication layerHuman interaction with the application and the...
What is FTP?

What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. As the name implies it’s protocol that facilitates the transfer of a file from one client over the network to another client. FTP modes: active versus passive FTP connections can be made using one of these two modes. In...
What is SSH?

What is SSH?

SSH or Secure SHELL is an authentication protocol that support several authentication methods. (Certificate based, username/password) But we have telnet? Remember what I told you about Telnet in this article? Yes indeed, it sends all packets in clear-text over the...
What is telnet?

What is telnet?

Telnet is an application (protocol) that can be used to manage devices remotely. So if you want to log in to a router, switches or any other device that has a telnet client installed, you can use telnet. telnet <any specific port/when not specified 23 is...