What is subnetting?

Wow … this might seem a daunting term for you non network techies out there, but let me explain what subnetting is and you will see that it’s not so complicated after all. What is the goal of subnetting? The goal of subnetting is to make efficient use of...
What is a MAC address?

What is a MAC address?

No, this MAC address has nothing to do with Apple. MAC stands for Media Access Control and operates at layer 2 of the OSI model. What does look like? A MAC address consists of six pairs of hexadecimal numbers. The format you will see it displayed the most is:...
What is an IP address?

What is an IP address?

In order to receive regular mail, the postal service in your country has to know where to deliver your mail. Well, on the internet it works kind of the same way. You either have an IPv4 or an IPv6 address Public vs Private Simply put 😉 a public IP (address) is the...
What is a CDN?

What is a CDN?

In plain English, a CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a collection of servers spread across different locations around the world. Its purpose is to help deliver digital content, such as web pages, images, videos, and other files, to users in a faster and more...