What is a secure password?

What is a secure password?

There’s not a week that goes by without seeing someone posting on social media that his or her account is ‘hacked’. In this article we will discuss what you can do to improve all your accounts’ security while just making a small sacrifice in...
Where do my Splunk settings go?

Where do my Splunk settings go?

In our previous article about apps, we s either aw that an app is a collection of config files with either general settings of your deployment or data related settings (for example extractions for Palo Alto firewall logs). To understand and to be able troubleshoot...
Where do my Splunk settings go?

How does Splunk deploy apps?

In our last article we went over the structure of what in Splunk terms is called an app. I personally think that an configuration bundle would be a better name but he: potato potato 😉 Depending on the circumstances apps are deployed in a certain way. Manual deployment...
Where do my Splunk settings go?

What is a Splunk app?

Let me confess something to you all reading this article: Splunk apps and data models (which will cover in a later article) have been two of the most complicated concepts for me to grasp in the Splunk world. Hopefully after I explain it to you, you will understand...
Where do my Splunk settings go?

Splunk: the bigger picture

We have been dealing with some parts of the data ingestion in Splunk. Now it’s time to put everything we discussed so far into a more helicopter view. Inputs.conf, indexes.conf and outputs.conf There are three files on this diagram we did not speak about yet....